Sunday, November 28, 2010


You have an exciting new client, Lonnie Lipchitz. OK, that’s not his real name. His real name is Lawrence Lipchitz, but his manager thought Lonnie had a little more “pizzaz.”

Lonnie is a retired cosmetic surgeon who made a small fortune as the first liposuction practitioner in Beverly Hills. He has decided he wants to be a successful recording artist and he wants your help.

For openers, Lonnie wants you to design and produce the artwork for his new CD, titled “Lonnie Lipchitz, Love Machine.” He’ll need three million CD inserts. Lonnie also needs posters for in-store promotions and give-aways. Plus, he wants postcards to send to his fans and promoters.

Your assignment, should you chose to accept it:

Fill out a job ticket for one printed piece — the CD inserts, posters and postcards.

But first, you probably want to ask some questions.