Saturday, February 19, 2011

february 21


Ch 4 study question quiz
Review ch 4
Ch 4 quiz

Discuss research assignment
Topics due_have we discussed your ideas?
Topics, dates and presenters

Feb 28 Tony and Jeremy
March 14 Angelina

Discuss journal
due date_February 28 or March 14?


line art vs. continuous tone art

spi, dpi, ppi, lpi

halftones and separations


four color process printing


inches, points and picas

prepress to press workflow

type and fonts_issues connected to printing

raster and vector

scanning formula





can you find the journal link on the blog?

Review printed schedule

NSCC online
Gradekeeper & look at grades on-line

Discuss ch 5
Color and Color Management

• We need to understand color, what happens to it when it is used with other devices, printed, etc.
• We need to be sure that we get the color we want at the end, whether it is printed, projected, a website, etc.

This might be a decent analogy. If I went to a restaurant in France, I would want the food I order to be exactly what I expect when it is served. I might want it prepared a certain way. I would need someone to translate this into French for me, to be sure that what I want is what I get.

Overview of color management

Color Management Tutorial

Bathroom ad & job ticket
job ticket link

4-Color Separations activity (see on line Assignments folder)
We will do this together

Edit Colors
Edit>Colors>New>Model: CMYK
Mix using percentages on the 4-Color_percentages.pdf
Type in New Color name>OK

Print dialog boxes
File>Page Setup or File>Print
At Layout, check Separations. Registration: Centered
Setup>Page Positioning: Center

At Create a Report, use the "create report and collect layout, screen fonts, printer fonts" option. Sometimes, you may need to check Report only for just the report.

Ch 4 Quiz study sheet

Proofs - know this thoroughly
Types & characteristics: Composite, Desktop, Laser, Blueline, Overlay, Cromalin, Matchprint, Rainbow, Press, Loose, Scatter, Random
What they are used for
Advantages & disadvantages
What should you write on a proof?

Film & platemaking - advantages and disadvantages.
Why & why not use film for platemaking?

How long does a printer usually keep a flat? What does a printer keep or store?

Burning a plate
Backup - printing on one side of a page that must line up correctly with printing on the other side.
Image area
The 5-50-500 rule

Printing errors & their significance

Types of plates and their functionality. For example, quick print plates would not be recommended for long runs and fine detail