Sunday, February 27, 2011

february 28


Discuss schedule and course content

QEP activity


Turn in Journal

Continue......Discuss ch 5
Color and Color Management

• We need to understand color, what happens to it when it is used with other devices, printed, etc.
• We need to be sure that we get the color we want at the end, whether it is printed, projected, a website, etc.

This might be a decent analogy. If I went to a restaurant in France, I would want the food I order to be exactly what I expect when it is served. I might want it prepared a certain way. I would need someone to translate this into French for me, to be sure that what I want is what I get.

Discuss Color Vocabulary and Chapter 5 using text, color vocabulary handouts and study questions.

Discuss color models

Finish Bathroom ad & job ticket
job ticket link

4-Color Separations activity (see on line Assignments folder)
We will do this together

Edit Colors
Edit>Colors>New>Model: CMYK
Mix using percentages on the 4-Color_percentages.pdf
Type in New Color name>OK

Print dialog boxes
File>Page Setup or File>Print
At Layout, check Separations. Registration: Centered
Setup>Page Positioning: Center

At Create a Report, use the "create report and collect layout, screen fonts, printer fonts" option. Sometimes, you may need to check Report only for just the report.

Watch_Color chart mixing theory painting tutorial


Munsell color wheel system

open the tutorial from planet photoshop
open photoshop
click on color picker
type in percentages that show in the color picker in the tutorial
read and follow the tutorial

for red, input R at 255
for green, input G at 255
for blue, input B at 255

Begin Color Wheel assignment