Friday, September 3, 2010

scenario ch 2

graphic processes


based on ch 2

I’m sending you the copy I want for an ad layout you will do in QuarkXpress or InDesign. I’m using a PC, with Microsoft word. I love Arial. I like to use boldface to accentuate things. You use a Mac and do not have Arial. Hmmmmmmm. Helvetica looks a lot like Arial. So you use Helvetica. What’s wrong with this picture?

For my 8.5 x 11 magazine ad I really like all CAPS. I think it emphasizes everything. I want the words to be big, so people will notice them. My body copy contains 200 words. Here is a layout I did, all caps, 24 point. Give me your advice, since you are going to produce my ad.

Well, this is going to be printed. Why can’t I use Arial? Arial looks good to me. I see it on my PC computer screen and it looks fine! And your telling me it may not print correctly! Whadayamean?

I want this ad to run in Town & Country magazine and in the Nashville Tennessean. What lpi do I use for each? Go to the publication websites to get their specs.

If I reverse type out of a substrate that is blue, what color will the “reversed area” be?

The guy said he needs me to mail him a CT. What is that?

The photographer, who by the way is charging me a fortune, asked.... do I want a print or a transparency. What does she mean? Is one better than the other?

Tell me exactly how a photograph gets printed in a magazine ad. When I look at it with a magnifying glass, I see these little dots. What are they?

I want to buy a scanner and a printer. I’m confused. What’s the difference between spi, lpi, dpi, ppi and epi?