Saturday, September 18, 2010

september 22

quiz 2 retake 6:00 pm - 6:20 pm

review & discuss schedule

read all of chapter 5, from p.68-89

research assignment_typographers paul rand and david carson, designer milton glaser

Research project approval due 9_29

3 presenters for October 6
3 presenters for October 13
3 presenters for October 20
3 presenters for October 27

the journal

link to journal contents on blog

study questions and discussion of text

do we want to do this another way?

do you want to do a review of the quiz right before the quiz?

I will always have your study questions for you after you take the quiz

nscc online content

print out the color vocabulary handout

print out ch 5 HW

In Week 4, look at:

The Iteractive RGB Color Wheel

Mac OS X Color Picker

Additive Color

Subtractive Color

We will work on the 4-Color Separations assignment in Week 5

Typography video

Commercial printing video

review the printing process workflow

discuss ch 4

measuring activity

mounting activity

review for quiz 3
