Tuesday, September 14, 2010

final exam

Due to the impending weather issues, you will be able to take your final exam from any computer, including your home computer. You do not have to come to the NSCC campus to take the final exam. The date and time will remain the same - December 15, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. You will have 45 minutes to complete the exam.

I do not plan to be on campus on December 15 unless driving conditions are non-hazardous. Currently, snow and ice are still predicted.

You may contact me through email or by phone. Tomorrow, I may be at Hillwood. The number there is 615-353-2025, extension 807109. My home phone is 615-385-1438. Call me today before 6:00 pm if you have questions. If I am not at Hillwood tomorrow (December 15), I will probably be at home. If you need to call me at home tomorrow during the exam time, I will try to be available from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. You could also try earlier in the day.

If you do not get the exam taken, it will be recorded as a zero, so be sure you inform me of any problems with this on-line process.

Thank you for sending me your emergency phone numbers. I would still like to have those if you have not sent them.

I know several of you maintain contact with one another through Facebook. I would appreciate it if you would pass this information along, since Facebook is sometimes more efficient than email, just to be sure everyone gets the message.

When you finish the exam, email me regarding any questions you feel were auto-graded in error. I will check each exam as well.

Stay in touch,
