Sunday, September 12, 2010

september 15

Burn your History of Printing presentations onto a DVD

I have the DVD's

Review schedule: today & next week

Week 5 reading is Chapter 5, pages 68-88

I have not been told we need colored pencils

Online course content

Look at Week 4

Review Week 4, color materials for the study of color, beginning week 5

You should print out color vocab, plus study questions for ch 5

Discuss research project

Look at Week 2 Online

Discuss gp journal_the book project _what to do

Discuss altered books

My textbooks for ideas

Print out in class for use in journal

Review using the printing process flow diagram on the blog

Discuss halftones

Ch 3 study questions & quiz review

Imposition activity_fold piece of 8.5 x 11 paper

Trapping using blog

Measuring activity

gp mounting

Turn in Ch 2 study questions
